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Have fun with pre-kindergarten "Clock Reading Skills" using these worksheets! They make learning about clocks super easy. Children learn to recognize and understand the numbers and hands on a clock, associating them with different times of the day. Kids get the chance to draw the hour hands on clocks, reinforcing their understanding of how clocks represent time. The worksheets include exercises where children match clocks to the corresponding time, helping them relate clock faces to specific moments in the day.


Kindergarten  Maths worksheet: Clock reading skills - Match clock with time

Match Clock With Time 1

Kindergarten  Maths worksheet: Clock reading skills - Match clock with time

Match Clock With Time 2

Kindergarten  Maths worksheet: Clock reading skills - Match clock with time

Match Clock With Time 3

Kindergarten  Maths worksheet: Clock reading skills - Match clock with time

Match Clock With Time 4

Kindergarten  Maths worksheet: Clock reading skills - Match clock with time

Match Clock With Time 5

Kindergarten  Maths worksheet: Clock reading skills - Match clock with time

Match Clock With Time 6

Kindergarten  Maths worksheet: Clock reading skills - Match clock with time

Match Clock With Time 7

Kindergarten  Maths worksheet: Clock reading skills - Match clock with time

Match Clock With Time 7



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