Our online tutoring pricing is based on a Pay-As-You-Go model, which means you only pay for the sessions that you need. We offer a wide range of pricing options to fit any budget, and our prices are significantly lower than traditional in-person tutoring. We also offer package deals and discounts for bulk purchases, making our services even more affordable.
At Shree RSC Tutors, we understand that finding affordable and high-quality education can be a challenge for many. That's why we offer our online tutoring services at a very economical and affordable price. We believe that every student deserves access to the best education, regardless of their family's spending limitation.Our experienced tutors are all highly qualified and have a passion for teaching.They are equipped with the necessary knowledge and skills to provide the best education possible. They are patient, understanding, and dedicated to helping students reach their full potential.
Our tutors use a variety of teaching methods, including interactive quizzes, games, and activities to make the learning experience fun and engaging. In addition to providing affordable and high-quality education, we also offer a flexible scheduling system. You can choose from a wide range of available time slots to schedule your child's tutoring sessions. You can also reschedule or cancel sessions at any time, making it easy to fit tutoring into your busy schedule.
At Shree RSC Tutors, we are committed to providing the best education at an affordable price. We believe that every student should have access to the best education possible, and we strive to make that a reality. We understand the importance of education and the role it plays in shaping the future of our children, and we are dedicated to providing the best education possible. We each tutoring session includes one on one live tutoring session, classwork sharing post the session, homework worksheets, session assessment report and progress tracking. Additionally student will have unlimited access to our online quiz and practice worksheets under the personalized student dashboard. Feel free to contact us via email or call to know more about our services and fees structure.